Article Reprint Guidelines


First, please note that the articles on our site are owned by the respective copyright holder as noted at the bottom of each article.

If you redistribute IN ANY FORM any article from this site without proper permission of the copyright holder you are committing a criminal offense.

We certainly want to make these articles available to as many people as possible, so please take a moment to read our reprint guidelines below.

You may freely link to this website, including the Articles in the archive, under the following conditions:

1. You must notify us of the site from which the link will be made.

2. You must set the link to open a new browser window.

3. You must notify us within 24 hours of creation of the link and you must remove the link within 24 hours of notice from the copyright holder to do so.

You may copy the content of the article onto your website, or you may redistribute the article in your electronic newsletter, under the following conditions:

1. You must notify us of IN ADVANCE of the site in which the article will be posted or you must provide a sample of the newsletter in which the article will be included, and you must obtain written permission from the copyright holder to include the article after we review the site or newsletter. This is so that we may ensure all sites or newsletters where our articles are reprinted reflect the same values as the copyright holder.

2. You must include ALL content and links, including copyright notices, and you may not modify any content whatsoever under any circumstances.

3. You must indicate that the article is reprinted with permission of the copyright holder and the notice of same must provide a link back to this website, and such link must open a new browser window when clicked by the reader.

4. You must notify us within 24 hours of creation of the article on the site or in the newsletter and you must remove the article within 24 hours of notice from the copyright holder to do so.







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Copyright © 2006-2012 by Ron D. Pate. All rights reserved.